For the modern young gentleman.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

'Enticing Facebook' Part II

Part two of this series covers Status Updates, well, any updates that stream to the News Feed. makes the point that a new post concerning which Pussy Cat Doll or who you just battled on Superhero City is a sure way to strike a disconcerting message to online friends, who will begin to wonder if this is REALLY how you spend your Friday nights. attempts to bring a witty and simple solution to each suggestion they bring to the table, but the solution to our issue is not comforting:

Even if you do spend your weekends playing online backgammon, you can at least appear to be busy by curbing the urge to update every hour on the hour. And please wean yourself off the "Which Family Guy character are you?" quizzes.

Yes, an obvious solution would be to pull yourself away from these distractions, but a more integrative solution would involve the following:

When you do sign into Facebook make use of your time, be productive. Within the course of a 10-minute login use caution and purpose to each post.
a. Follow Step 1 in the 'Enticing Facebook' series.
b. Create a neutral status update veering away from song lyrics, mundane activites ('Mom just sneezed. LOLZORBS'), leet speak, and sappy/desperate requests concerning a love affair.
c. Respond to each and every wall post that is directed to you. Creating this social network relies on your individual effort to be involved. (Reciprocity is key.)

Next in the 'Enticing Facebook' series... coming soon.

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